Twig vs ChatGPT Enterprise

Can you use ChatGPT Enterprise in the place of Twig as a CX CoPilot?

A common question CX leaders face is whether to use ChatGPT for their customer-facing teams. Here is a comparison of ChatGPT enterprise and Twig that should help you learn about this topic in detail.

Enterprise NeedsTwigChatGPT Enterprize

Do I need to train on Private Data?

Built-in support for private data sources

Requires engineering-time and development to use APIs to train

Do I need AI to handle Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Data

Built-in PII Sanitizers

Requires Engineering time and development to use APIs to train

Are hallucinations [retrieving answers from internet corpus rather than customers' data] a concern

Retrieval Augmented Generation, ensures responses are either from customer data or no answer is given

The generic chat model is known for hallucinations. Hense cannot be trusted on private data.

Do I need Human-In-Loop control over AI

Edit AI responses that are used in future interactions

No human-in-loop training

Do I need to keep AI Up-to-date with the latest information?

Automated refreshes keeps AI up-to-date with the latest product and operations information

Requires engineering-time to setup automation

All of this is early will the vendor listen and work with us to improve the product per our needs

Twig pushes weekly updates the product 80% of refinements are from our user feedback

OpenAI has 21M users. Getting your feedback prioritized on their product roadmap is a challenge.

Support and Service

Twig assigns a customer success person

Very limited support

Last updated